Zusätzliche Dokumentation für das Projekt XmpIptc

Mapping zwischen XMP- und IPTC-Informationen

Zuordnung der Felder. Die erste Spalte enthält die Bezeichnung von Lightroom (V 1.2 deutsch), die zweite, in welchem XML-Element Lightroom die Daten in der XMP-Datei speichert, die dritte, in welches IPTC-Feld updateiptc.pl die Daten schreibt und die vierte, wieviele Zeichen im IPTC-Header ein bestimmter Wert maximal enthalten darf. Wdh bedeutet, der IPTC-Wert kann sich wiederholen.
Lightroom XMP IPTC IPTC Max.
Stichwort-Tags dc:subject 2:25 Keywords 64 Wdh
Fotograf dc:creator 2:80 Byline 32 Wdh
Copyright dc:rights 2:116 Copyright Notice 128
Datum/Uhrzeit exif:DateTimeOriginal
2:55 Creation Date 11
2:60 Creation Time 8
Bildbeschreibung dc:description 2:120 Caption/Abstract 2000
Ort Iptc4xmpCore:Location 2:27 Content Location Name 64 Wdh
Bezeichnung dc:title 2:05 Object Name 64
ISO-Ländercode Iptc4xmpCore:CountryCode 2:26 Content Location Code 3 Wdh
Titel photoshop:Headline 2:105 Headline 256
Autor der Beschreibung photoshop:CaptionWriter 2:122 Writer/Editor 32 Wdh
Kategorie photoshop:Category 2:15 Category 3
Andere Kategorien photoshop:SupplementalCategories 2:20 Supplemental Category 32 Wdh
Fotograf/Stadt photoshop:City 2:90 City 32
Bundesland/Kanton des Fotografen photoshop:State 2:95 Province/State 32
Fotograf/Land photoshop:Country 2:101 Country/Primary Location Name 64
Auftragskennung photoshop:TransmissionReference 2:103 Original Transmission Reference 32
Anweisungen photoshop:Instructions 2:40 Special Instructions 256
Anbieter photoshop:Credit 2:110 Credit 32
Quelle photoshop:Source 2:115 Source 32
Position photoshop:AuthorsPosition 2:85 By-line Title 32 Wdh

Auf die Perl-Hashes wird mit den hier aufgeführten Bezeichnern zugegriffen, z.B. mit photoshop:Source auf einen Hash mit XMP-Daten und mit 2:115 Source auf einen Hahs mit IPTC-Daten.

Beschränkungen von EXIFutils

Folgende sich wiederholende IPTC-Felder können die EXIFutils 2.7 nicht wiederholend eintragen:

Bedeutung der berücksichtigten IPTC-Felder

Der Text wurde kopiert aus dem IPTC-Standard-Dokument.

Feld Bedeutung
2:05 Object Name Used as a shorthand reference for the object. Changes to existing data, such as updated stories or new crops on photos, should be identified in Edit Status.


  • "Wall St."
  • "Ferry Sinks"
2:15 Category Identifies the subject of the objectdata in the opinion of the provider.

A list of categories will be maintained by a regional registry, where available, otherwise by the provider.

Note: Use of this DataSet is Deprecated. It is likely that this DataSet will not be included in further versions of the IIM.

2:20 Supplemental Category Supplemental categories further refine the subject of an objectdata. Only a single supplemental category may be contained in each DataSet. A supplemental category may include any of the recognised categories as used in 2:15. Otherwise, selection of supplemental categories are left to the provider.


  • "NHL" (National Hockey League)
  • "Fußball"

Note: Use of this DataSet is Deprecated. It is likely that this DataSet will not be included in further versions of the IIM.

2:25 Keywords Used to indicate specific information retrieval words.

Each keyword uses a single Keywords DataSet. Multiple keywords use multiple Keywords DataSets. It is expected that a provider of various types of data that are related in subject matter uses the same keyword, enabling the receiving system or subsystems to search across all types of data for related material.


  • "AUTO"
2:26 Content Location Code Indicates the code of a country/geographical location referenced by the content of the object. Where ISO has established an appropriate country code under ISO 3166, that code will be used. When ISO3166 does not adequately provide for identification of a location or a country, e.g. ships at sea, space, IPTC will assign an appropriate threecharacter code under the provisions of ISO3166 to avoid conflicts. If used in the same object with DataSet 2:27, must immediately precede and correspond to it.

Note: The intention is that DataSets 2:26 and 2:27 can occur either as repeatable codes, repeatable names or in code/name pairs. Mixed presentation is not allowed in one object.

2:27 Content Location Name Provides a full, publishable name of a country/geographical location referenced by the content of the object, according to guidelines of the provider. If used in the same object with DataSet 2:26, must immediately follow and correspond to it.

Note: The intention is that DataSets 2:26 and 2:27 can occur either as repeatable codes, repeatable names or in code/name pairs. Mixed presentation is not allowed in one object.

2:40 Special Instructions Other editorial instructions concerning the use of the objectdata, such as embargoes and warnings.


  • "3 Pictures follow"
  • "Argentina OUT"
2:62 Digital Creation Date Represented in the form CCYYMMDD to designate the date the digital representation of the objectdata was created. Follows ISO 8601 standard. Thus a photo taken during the American Civil War would carry a Digital Creation Date within the past several years rather than the date where the image was captured on film, glass plate or other substrate during that epoch (1861- 1865).


"19900127" indicates digital form of the objectdata was created on 27th January 1990.

2:63 Digital Creation Time Represented in the form HHMMSS±HHMM to designate the time the digital representation of the objectdata was created. Follows ISO 8601 standard.


"133015+0100" indicates that the digital form of the objectdata was created at 1:30 p.m. and 15 seconds Frankfurt time, one hour ahead of UTC.

2:80 By-line Contains name of the creator of the objectdata, e.g. writer, photographer or graphic artist.


  • "Robert Capa"
  • "Ernest Hemingway"
  • "Pablo Picasso"
2:85 By-line Title A by-line title is the title of the creator or creators of an objectdata. Where used, a by-line title should follow the by-line it modifies.


  • "Staff Photographer"
  • "Corresponsal"
  • "Envoyé Spécial"
2:90 City Identifies city of objectdata origin according to guidelines established by the provider.


  • "Zürich"
  • "Milano"
  • "New York"
2:95 Province/State Identifies Province/State of origin according to guidelines established by the provider.


  • "WA"
  • "Sussex"
  • "Baden-Württenberg"
2:101 Country/Primary Location Name Provides full, publishable, name of the country/primary location where the intellectual property of the objectdata was created, according to guidelines of the provider.
2:103 Original Transmission Reference A code representing the location of original transmission according to practices of the provider.


  • BER-5
  • PAR-12-11-01
2:105 Headline A publishable entry providing a synopsis of the contents of the objectdata.


"Lindbergh Lands In Paris"

2:110 Credit Identifies the provider of the objectdata, not necessarily the owner/creator.
2:115 Source Identifies the original owner of the intellectual content of the objectdata. This could be an agency, a member of an agency or an individual.
2:116 Copyright Notice Contains any necessary copyright notice.
2:120 Caption/Abstract A textual description of the objectdata, particularly used where the object is not text.
2:122 Writer/Editor Identification of the name of the person involved in the writing, editing or correcting the objectdata or caption/abstract.
