Features of JPhotoTagger
Selection Views (left of the application's window)
- File system folders
- Favorite file system folders (user defined and ordered by importance)
- Keywords: Hierarchical and "flat" organization (tree view and list view)
- Timeline
- Saved Searches
- Photo albums (image collections)
- "Smart collections":
- Images without specific metadata, e.g. images without a copyright notice (missing metadata)
- Images taken with a specific
- camera model
- focal length
- ISO value
- ...
- Images with specific metadata:
- subject's location
- photographer
- rating
- ...
Searching, finding
- Fast search input field in the application's window with auto complete
- Complexer searches with logical operators e.g. AND, OR, can be saved:
- Generated via GUI support
- Custom (arbitrary, user typed) SQL for complex queries
- Synonyms can be defined and will be recoginzed by fast searches
Thumbnails Window (middle of the application's window)
- Thumbnails can be scaled (zoomed in and out) continuously
- Keywords and rating stars can be overlayed to the thumbnails
- Images can be sorted by filenames, file extensions and metadata, e.g. date taken, rating, focal length, ISO value
Metadata Views (right to the application's window)
- Embedded IPTC metadata
- Most important EXIF values
- Complete XMP metadata of these namespaces (embedded or in sidecar files):
- Dublin Core
- Photoshop
- Camera RAW
- Lightroom
All data will be written to XMP sidecar files, the images are left untouched. Interoperatable with other applications, currently Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. Edit fields:
- Keywords
- Short description
- Description
- Image title
- Location
- Date taken
- Photographer/Position
- Photographer/Name
- Photographer/City
- Photographer/State
- Photographer/Country
- Copyright
- Credits
- Source
- Transmission reference
- Instructions
- Author of the metadata
- Rating
In the left view of miscellaneous metadata, data can be renamed, e.g. typing errors whithin copyright notices, locations, photographer names.
Edit support
- Auto complete
- Drag and Drop hierarchical keywords and keywords
- If adding a hierarchical keyword to images, all it's parents will be added too
- Templates with predefined values, e.g. copyright and photographer's address
- Copy complete metadata from and paste to selected images
- When multiple images are selected, the common metadata can be modified or deleted
- Added metadata is applied to all selected images
- Context menus (popup menus) in tree and list views
File system support
- Drag and Drop images from and to external applications, e.g. file managers
- Renaming, adding and deleting folders in the folders view
- Moving images between folders via clipboard or Drag and Drop
- Renaming via template, e.g. applying the date taken as filename prefix, different templates can be saved
Other features
- Export IPTC metadata to XMP sidecar files
- Export embedded XMP metadata to sidecar files
- Finding duplicate images
- Scheduled task to scan automatically folders for new, modified or deleted images
- Scheduled task for database backups
- Database information and maintainance
- Import images from a folder, e.g. the camera's memory card
- Import from exported Lightroom hierarchical keywords
- Export to Lightroom hierarchical keywords
- Export and import JPhotoTagger's data, which is not written into the XMP sidecar files, e.g. for sharing keyword trees and keyword synonyms between different installations
- Renaming files within the database, e.g. when a drive letter or mount point has been changed
- Thumbnails can be rendered by an external renderer
- Adding external applications to the thumbnails popup menu to handle images
- Defining actions applied to images, e.g. external converters
- Opening location in Google Maps if the image has GPS metadata
- Flickr Upload
Other Sites referring to JPhotoTagger
Author: Elmar Baumann
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Status of this document: 2010-03-18