Character encoding of this file: UTF-8 Changelog JPhotoTagger ================================================================= 1.1.7 2023-11-28 ---------------- * Fixed: Context menu action "Display imageas: Keyword only" of the Keywords in the right window could display incorrect images. * The keywords in the keywords list having a padding right to avoid that keywords gluing together. * Changed the description of DcSubjects to "Keywords" (Plural instead singular). 1.1.6 2023-09-23 ---------------- * Corrected spelling errors in an Englisch message. * Progress bar has minimum size. 1.1.5 2023-09-12 ---------------- * Fixed date picker in the search dialog for building simple SQL queries: The selected month will be applied, not one month earlier. 1.1.4 2023-03-16 ---------------- * Errors when reading GPS coordinates from the EXIF data does not result in reject reading EXIF data in general. 1.1.3 2022-10-07 ---------------- * Fixed missing progress bar update when importing keyword trees. 1.1.2 2022-10-05 ---------------- * Fixed "java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException" when importing keyword trees. 1.1.1 2022-05-26 ---------------- * If the Search button is clicked within the following trees, all nodes will be expanded before searching: Keywords, Timeline, Miscellaneous. Now search will be applied within all e.g. keywords and not only within expanded. File system trees will not expand, because that can cost a huge amount of resources. * URIs changed from "" to "". The "org"-Domain will cost me money in future. JPhotoTagger is a free program and I did earn not one cent with it and I don't wont do so in future. * Version set to 1.1. Due to nearly 14 years of usage this shall be a signal, that JPhotoTagger is not an Alpha or Beta version. 0.44.9 2022-02-28 ------------------ * When the button "Collapse all" was clicked in a tree view, e.g. within "Keywords", the whole tree does not disappear. The nodes of the first level will remain visible. 0.44.8 2021-07-19 ------------------ * Added Setting to "Edit > Settings > 6. Miscellaneous > Miscellaneous": Lock XMP sidecar files while writing. Uncheck this can be useful on computers with Mac OS especially on NAS if errors occur while writing XMP sidecar files. 0.44.6 2020-08-09 ------------------ * Rename dialog has progress bar for renaming via templates * Moving files uses newer Java API. Under some circumstances files would not be moved, e.g. when using under Linux symbolic links. * When importing image files, thus will be sorted by their file time (last modification) rather than by their EXIF date time taken. This will speed up the import. 0.44.5 2020-04-26 ------------------ * When renaming a folder, only the descendant folders will be updated, not the whole folders view. This speeds up renaming. The complete refresh was introduced in 0.44.3 version's bugfix. 0.44.4 2020-04-24 ------------------ * Whithin the thumbnails window, files can be sorted by their natural order (1, 6, 10 instead 1, 10, 6). 0.44.3 2020-04-23 ------------------ * Bugfix: After renaming a folder in the folder or favorites view, both views will be refreshed because the descendant folders of the renamed folder were not changed internally. 0.44.2 2020-04-22 ------------------ * Bugfix: In the keywords tree, keywords can be renamed to equal names, if only uppercase/lowercase characters are different. For example, now "flower" can be renamed to "Flower". 0.44.1 2020-04-21 ------------------ * Edit > Settings > 5. Exclude: File Patterns When updating the database keywords and other referenced data will be treated. 0.44.0 2020-04-19 ------------------ * In the file import dialog, custom subdirectory naming templates can be created. 0.43.3 2020-04-16 ------------------ * Added command line option: -Djpt.home="" Alternative existing writable directory, where JPhotoTagger stores it's settings. Without this option, JPhotoTagger stores it's settings into the user directory, within Windows e.g. "C:\Users\mary", under Unixoides e.g. "/home/mary". Does this directory not exist or is not writable, JPhotoTagger uses without query the user directory. So JPhotoTagger can use multiple databases and settings. For example images can resist on an external drive with their own database. On that drive there can be a script file (batch file) for starting JPhotoTagger. Alternatively a script file with a different name can be used. Example for a Windows batch file: @echo off start "" javaw -Xms30m -Xmx1g -Duser.language=en -jar -Djpt.home="D:\\Images" JPhotoTagger.jar Example for a Bash script: #!/bin/sh java -Xms30m -Xmx1g -Duser.language=en -jar -Djpt.home="/mnt/images" JPhotoTagger.jar & 0.43.2 2020-04-15 ------------------ * When moving keywords from the keyword tree into a text field of the advanced search dialog (F3), the user will be asked, whether parent keywords shall be transferred too. * Bugfix: Handling long sidecar file names too, see Bugfix in 0.43.0. 0.43.1 2020-04-14 ------------------ * Added to the thumbnails window the sort order "Filename (natural)". 1.jpg, 100.jpg, 5.jpg will be sorted ascending to 1.jpg, 5.jpg, 100.jpg. The regular sort would order 100.jpg before 5.jpg. 0.43.0 2020-04-13 ------------------ * Bugfix: When selected files moved while creating a new folder, XMP sidecarfiles will be moved too. This occurs if thumbnails are selected when a new folder was created and the question was confirmed, whether selected files should be moved to that folder. 0.42.11 2019-10-04 ------------------ * "File > Database ... > Modify" contains new action: 5. Copy keywords from the keywords tree into the keywords list. * Whithin the plugin "HTML Report" a delimiter for multiple values (keywords) can be selected: Edit > Settings > 8. Plugins > HTML Report * When creating the keywords tree, sorting will applied after reading the keywords from database. This speeds up the creation process. * Accelerated importing keyword trees. Side effects: 1. Imported Keywords will not be added automatically to the keywords list. Use the modify action mentioned above. 2. The keywords tree will rebuilt from scratch when the import is finished. 0.42.10 2019-08-04 ------------------ * Bugfix: After re-ordering of images, the selection of a photo album won't be lost. This bug did exist prior to the changes whithin version 0.42.9. 0.42.9 2019-08-03 ----------------- * Reordering images in the Photo Albums does not clear their selection 0.42.8 2019-04-19 ----------------- * Bugfix: When saving a file rename template, the name input dialog can be used 0.42.7 2019-01-19 ----------------- * Added two settings: Edit > Settings > 6. Miscellaneous > Miscellaneous: + Create XMP file, if not exists + Write EXIF date taken automatically into new created/modified XMP file if absent These settings are described in the contextual sensitive help (F1 within this settings page, currently only in German). 0.42.6 2018-12-27 ----------------- * Bugfix: In the keywords tree, a keyword could be copied into itself 0.42.5 2018-12-26 ----------------- * A photo album can set as target album via the album's context menu. If a target album exists, selected images can be added to or removed from the target album with the key "B": Not existing images in the target album will be added, existing images will be removed from the target album. This function is also available through the thumbnails window's context menu: Select images > Add to / remove from the target album. 0.42.4 2018-12-23 ----------------- * Introduced a cursor: In the thumbnails window a cursor can be moved with the arrow keys. If the Ctrl key is pressed simultaneously, the cursor will be moved whithout changing the image's selection. When Ctrl and Space pressed simultaneously, the image under the cursor will be added to the current selection. That means, multiple images can be selected through the keyboard. The cursor is a dark reddish border surrounding the image. 0.42.3 2018-12-22 ----------------- * Where possible, selected previous GUI when closing a dialog 0.42.2 2018-12-21 ----------------- * Fixed some GUI scaling issues. 0.42.1 2018-12-16 ----------------- * If a complete year or complete month is selected in timeline, the selection will be kept and not all thumbnails will be reloaded. * Added to file import folder creation templates YYYY/MM: A folder per year, within that folder a subfolder per month. 0.42.0 2018-12-15 ----------------- * If a font scale factor other than 1 is set, the GUI will be better scaled than previously. This was a huge change. Please inform us if problems with the GUI appearing. 0.41.3 2018-12-04 ----------------- * User can define up to 10 Shortcuts for applying specific keywords: Windows > Shortcuts for applying keywords fast... * Autocomplete in fast search text field is cases insensitive by default 0.41.2 2018-12-01 ----------------- * Increased maximum thumbnail size from 400 pixels per side to 800 pixels. 0.41.1 2018-12-01 ----------------- * In the keywords tree right and input helper multiple keywords can be selected and applied to images via drag & drop. * Integrated JAXB libraries. These were removed in Java 9. Hence parts of JPhotoTagger imports and exports wouldn't work, if JPhotoTagger runs with Java 9 or higher. * Increased count of automatically saved JPhotoTagger data from 5 to 9. 0.41.0 2018-11-24 ----------------- * HSQL database reverted to version Previous databases of versions 2.x will be renamed and a new empty database will be created. Then automatically saved data will be imported. This was necessary, because newer databases can cause "hangers". 0.40.0 2018-10-20 ----------------- * HSQL database updated to version 2.4.1. When starting, old databases will be converted into the new format and can't be used by previous JPhotoTagger versions anymore. 0.37.11 2018-10-05 ------------------ * Dark Look & Feel: Selection in tables will not make text invisible 0.37.10 2018-10-04 ------------------ * Bugfix: EXIF Makernotes (of some cameras) will be read again 0.37.9 2018-10-03 ----------------- * Bugfix: Focal length and ISO were not extracted from the image's EXIF metadata. 0.37.8 2018-03-24 ----------------- * The import dialog displays a warning, that the imported images won't be added to the album "Previous imported", if a script will be executed after import. 0.37.7 2018-03-18 ----------------- * In keywords tree views can be displayed, in how many images a keyword is contained: View > Display keyword count in tree/list views. 0.37.6 2018-03-10 ----------------- * Fixed window title when choosing the special album "Previous import", "Picked" and "Rejected". 0.37.5 2018-03-10 ----------------- * Added SQL query browser: Tools > Database SQL query 0.37.4 2018-03-04 ----------------- * Added file type filters for images with an exact star rating count (1 - 5). 0.37.3 2018-02-15 ----------------- * In XMP tab is selectable, whether to scan for embedded XMP if no XMP sidecar file exists. 0.37.2 2018-02-11 ----------------- * Added action to thumbnails' context menu: Plugins > Remove with ExifTool all metadata from image file (EXIF, IPTC, XMP). * IPTC settings also accessible in the main window's "IPTC" tab. * In the tab "Edit" Enter or double click on a keyword triggers the edit dialog for renaming a keyword. 0.37.1 2018-02-10 ----------------- * New menu item in the thumbnails' context menu: Plugins > Write metadata of XMP sidecar file into image file with ExifTool * In keywords list views can be displayed, in how many images a keyword is contained: View > Display keyword count in list views. * JPhotoTagger's version is displayed in the main window title bar. 0.36.0 2018-02-04 ----------------- * When starting, JPhotoTagger checks, if it can get sufficient maximum memory. If not, an error message will be displayed. * Integrated ExifTool support, thus metadata can be written into image files: "Tools > Write metadata into images with ExifTool" and "Edit > Settings > ExifTool metadata writer". 0.35.2 2018-01-30 ----------------- * In the Settings "5. Exclude" folders can be added via a dialog. 0.35.1 2018-01-29 ----------------- * Fixed Bug: Directory chooser can be opened again (throwed Exception due a missing icon). * When renaming a keyword in list view only in case, it will be renamed in the database too, e.g. "TREE" -> "tree" and appears in the renamed case whithin the list view. 0.35.0 2018-01-28 ----------------- * Scaled remaining icons, see 0.34.12. 0.34.12 2018-01-27 ------------------ * When starting, JPhotoTagger checks larger screen resolutions and scales fonts and many symbols, if the user did not adjust a scale factor in the settings. Compared to the previous scaling also icons will be appropriately scaled on scale factors 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3. 0.34.11 2017-12-10 ------------------ * Added preference key "Preferences.DisableSaveExifToXmpDateCreated". "Preferences.DisableSaveExifToXmpDateCreated=1" in "" disables automatic writing the image creation date read from the image's EXIF metadata into the XMP sidecar file as "Iptc4xmpCore:DateCreated" when it's not present in XMP file or the user has not input this value. 0.34.10 2017-10-02 ------------------ * Check for newer versions does not try to download. Instead it offers to open the download page. 0.34.9 2017-08-19 ----------------- * Fixed an issue with names of saved searches * If images sorted by "EXIF Date and Time taken" and the database does not contain EXIF metadata of an image, the image file's last modification time will be used. 0.34.8 2017-08-10 ----------------- * Thumbnails can be sorted by file size 0.34.7 2017-07-23 ----------------- * Added context menu to text fields in edit tab. The context menu contains the actions "copy", "cut" and "paste". 0.34.6 2016-10-12 ----------------- * GUI Trees fitting their height to scaled fonts * Font below thumbnails uses font scale factor 0.34.5 2016-06-19 ----------------- * Fixed 2 possible NullPointerExceptions and 1 possible ClassCastException 0.34.4 2016-06-17 ----------------- * Edit > Settings > 6. Miscellaneous > EXIF > Miscellaneous: EXIF text charset. GUI for changes in Version 0.34.3. * Edit > Settings > 6. Miscellaneous > Lool and Feel of JPhotoTagger: Font scale factor. GUI for changes in Version 0.34.2. 0.34.3 2016-05-27 ----------------- * Added settings parameter "ExifImageDescriptionCharSet". Uses a different character set to decode the bytes in the EXIF fields using ASCII characters. Currently these fields are 270 (ImageDescription), 271 (Make), 272 (Model), 305 (Software), 315 (Artist), 34852 (SpectralSensitivity), 42016 (ImageUniqueID). Example: "ExifImageDescriptionCharSet=UTF-8". Not exposed to the GUI. 0.34.2 2016-05-25 ----------------- * Added settings parameter "JPhotoTaggerFontScale". Scales all Fonts. Example: "JPhotoTaggerFontScale=1.5": A 10 point font will be scaled to 15 points. Not exposed to the GUI. 0.34.1 2016-03-16 ----------------- * Added "i_view64.exe" and "IrfanViewPortable.exe" as valid filenames for the "IrfanView Slideshow" plugin's executable 0.34.0 2015-11-09 ----------------- * Removed not working Flickr plugin 0.33.0 2015-10-05 ----------------- * When selecting a folder in the folder or favorites tab, waiting until all files and thumbnails are loaded is not required. An other folder can be selected immediately. Loading of files and thumbnails will be showed as message in the thumbnails window and the progress bar. * Bugfix: Timeline validates XMP date created instead of displaying an error message 0.32.23 2015-09-26 ------------------ * The left and right panes of the main window can decreased down to 100 pixels width. So the thumbnail's area can be wider without collapsing one of the panes through the triangles on the dividers. * Bugfix: Thumbnails will be repainted explicitely when changing the size of it's area. When enlarging the area, it was not guaranteed that as many thumbnails as possible will be showed in a row. 0.32.22 2015-09-26 ------------------ * When creating and renaming templates, spaces at the begin and end will be trimmed * Bugfix: Renaming a favorite checks whether the name already exists * Bugfix: Ctrl+X does work in the Edit tab text areas * Bugfix: In the edit tab a Date is validated against the Gregorian calendar 0.32.21 2015-08-20 ------------------ * Bugfix: Automatic creation of "User defined File Types" did not add any file type (Edit > Settings > 2. Thumbnails: External program creates the thumbnails > Script: dcraw + ImageMagick) * Bugfix: Editing user defined file filters without changing it's name did not update the filter (Window > User Defined File Filters) 0.32.20 2014-12-29 ------------------ * Bugfix: Images can be removed from the special photo album "Picked" 0.32.19 2014-05-29 (not released) ------------------ * Catched possible exception while extracting EXIF metadata 0.32.18 2014-03-01 ------------------ * Rating file filter in thumbnails view shows images rated equals to or greater than the selected stars rather than only equals to the selected stars * EXIF cache is in a database instead in separate files 0.32.17 2014-01-19 ------------------ * Using database for cached EXIF metadata instead of separate files 0.32.16 2014-01-01 ------------------ * Using Thumbnails database rather than individual files. The older thumbnail files will be inserted into the new database. Depending on the image count this can take a longer time. 0.32.15 2013-12-30 ------------------ * Bugfix: Deadlock when moving files via Drag&Drop 0.32.14 2013-11-04 ------------------ * Added option to disable automatic population of the Hierarchical keywords tree when adding a keyword to an image e.g. through the edit panel: Edit > Settings > 6. Miscellaneous > Keywords Tree: Automatically update Keywords Tree. 0.32.13 2013-08-20 ------------------ * New option when renaming files: "Date and Time taken" (F2 when thumbnails are selected). Time includes hours, minutes and seconds. 0.32.12 2013-06-29 ------------------ * Bugfix: Deleting a Favorite could change the sort order of Favorites 0.32.11 2013-05-31 ------------------ * Bugfix: Fixed IrfanView Slideshow Plugin due Oracle's Changes to the Runtime class' behaviour in JRE 7 Update 21 ( * Renamed in program's window left tab "Searches" into "Saved Searches" 0.32.10 2013-05-04 ------------------ * Re-arranged tags in Edit tab: image related data first, photographer etc. second * Added "City" to Miscellaneous tab 0.32.9 2013-05-03 ----------------- * Bugfix: Fixed in the "Edit" tab labels for * Country * State * City Previously they were designated as related to the photographer, but they are related to the image's content. Also re-ordered these tags to reflect their geographical hierarchy from top (first level = country) to bottom (third level = city). * Tab "Miscellaneous" contains country and state * JPhotoTagger creates thumbnails of PNG images (if not an own program/script creates the thumbnails) 0.32.8 2013-04-02 ----------------- * Bugfix: When exporting the keywords tree into a XML file, parent nodes were exported as child nodes too, e.g. Landscape > Landscape > Woods 0.32.7 2013-02-22 ----------------- * Windows: Some Look & Feels did ignore localized folder names. They displayed e.g. "Users" instead of "Benutzer" (German locale). 0.32.6 2013-02-19 ----------------- * Bugfix: A choosen Windows Classic Look & Feel was not restored after restarting JPhotoTagger (Windows only issue) 0.32.5 2013-02-15 ----------------- * Dialog for importing files suggests up to 10 previous selected source and target folders * Confirm message, whether no longer existing folders shall be deleted 0.32.4 2013-02-14 ----------------- * Bugfix: ISO values and focal lengths less or equal to zero will not be inserted into the database, the same for camera model names with non ASCII characters. If erroneous data shall be fixed, the fastest way is via the tab "Miscellaneous > Technics": Select erroneous ISO values, focal lengths or camera model names, then select the displayed thumbnails, right click and call the context menu item "Refresh > Update metadata". Then you can delete not referenced data: "File > Database > Maintainance: Delete not referenced data (EXIF XMP)" * Bugfix: Special Photo Album names ("Previous import", ...) were inserted multiple times into the database and weren't localized. When JPhotoTagger was started first in English and then in German, these special names could appear multiple times. 0.32.3 2013-02-12 ----------------- * EXIF metadata of Olympus RAW files will be read (tested for OM-D E-M5). To enable this, the suffix "ORF" has to be added as user defined file type (Windows > User defined file types). 0.32.2 2013-02-04 ----------------- * Bugfix: When updating thumbnails automatically, the thumbnails window does not move to the top position (Bug since Version 0.30.11) 0.32.1 2013-02-02 ----------------- * Moved English language resources into separate project. This process has been done automatically as far as possible and in the best case, no errors occured. Please report any translation errors. This has two improvements: 1. Every non programmer can do the English translation using OmegaT, see 2. For replacing wrong translations or adding a new language, replacing the localized JAR does the job, no complete JPhotoTagger application has to be built * Added Look & Feels (only choosabel, if available under the operating system): GTK, Motif, Windows Classic * Changing the Look & Feel doesn't require restarting JPhotoTagger 0.32.0 2013-02-01 ----------------- * Added Option: Menu "View > Display Flag: Sidecar file exists" * Bugfix: Moving files could cause a deadlock 0.31.1 2013-01-31 ----------------- * Bugfix in error log handler * Added Look&Feels: Nimbus, JGoodies 0.31.0 2013-01-31 ----------------- * The look and feel of JPhotoTagger can be modified: Edit > Settings > 6. Miscellaneous > Look and Feel of JPhotoTagger. ATTENTION: The command line option "-cplaf" is dropped. You can choose "Operating system independent", to get the same result. 0.30.11 2013-01-29 ------------------ * The Windows installer tries to start JPhotoTagger in 64 bit mode on 64 bit systems * Thumbnails will be updated automatically (without pressing F5) if metadata has been updated for these tabs: * Keywords (list, tree) * Miscellaneous * Without metadata * Timeline 0.30.10 2013-01-28 ------------------ * Renaming files via templates: Dialog has info text, that only files in the same folder can be renamed via file rename templates. Now all files in the same folder can be renamed through file rename templates, regardless the origin, not only from tab "Folders" or "Favorites", but also files e.g. from a selection in the "Keywords" tab. 0.30.9 2013-01-27 ----------------- * Improved speed of reading folder trees in tabs "Folders" and "Favorites" an in folder selection dialog * Verification for Java version 1.7 0.30.8 2013-01-26 ----------------- * Bugfix: When starting, the program window could be very small if it was below a specific size while quitting 0.30.7 2013-01-25 ----------------- * Tabs "Folders" and "Favorites": * Drag & Drop: Better Highlighting * Names appears as in Windows Explorer 0.30.6 2013-01-24 ----------------- * User defined file types: "." (dot) and "-" (dash) are allowed * Added to automatically created external thumbnail creation scripts through DCRaw + ImageMagick + MPlayer the file format suffixes FLV, MKV, TS (Videos), BMP, TTF (Image, Font) * "Edit Default Programs" dialog displays default program right to the file suffix; a program can be applied to multiple suffixes at once * When the GUI was not initialized after starting, the database will be closed and JPhotoTagger exited, to minimize the risk of damaging the database 0.30.5 2013-01-23 ----------------- * Bugfix: When an user defined file filter was selected in the thumbnails window, problems occured (JPhotoTagger did "hang") 0.30.4 2013-01-22 ----------------- * Edit > Settings > 6. Miscellaneous: Additional file info: Subfolders can be defined * Bugfix: Importing user defined file filters does not try to import the same filter again (update instead). This did lead to a database exception. 0.30.3 2013-01-22 ----------------- * Automatically saved JPhotoTagger data can be restored through the menu: File > Import > Automatically saved JPhotoTagger data 0.30.2 2013-01-21 ----------------- * Changed interna while quitting JPhotoTagger 0.30.1 2013-01-21 ----------------- * Keywords contained in selected images will be highlighted in keywords tabs even if multiple images selected (also modified highlight color) * Bugfix: Keyword highlighting recognizes saved modified keywords 0.30.0 2013-01-20 ----------------- * New button right to fast search textfield: Restore previous selection * Drag & Drop in Folders and Favorites Tab doesn't select folders below the mouse pointer: If images in subfolders are displayed this can lead to very long supends and JPhotoTagger seems to "hang" 0.29.0 2013-01-19 ----------------- * Tabs "Folders" and "Favorites": Checkbox to check, whether images in all subfolders should be displayed too * Find duplicates displays text in progress bar 0.28.2 2013-01-14 ----------------- * Bugfix in "Skip duplicates" while importing images 0.28.2 2013-01-13 ----------------- * Individual JPhotoTagger-Data will be backed up automatically, see German help for directory paths: "Tipps > Wiederherstellen automatisch gesicherter JPhotoTagger-Daten" 0.28.1 2013-01-11 ----------------- * Bugfix: File types and file sort filter were not applied correctly at startup 0.28.0 2013-01-08 ----------------- * New Option when importing Images (File > Import images): Skip duplicates. Identical images in targed folder will not be copied again (from a memory card). * When dowloading newer versions the target folder can be choosed * In the program window can be displayed, whether selected thumbnails having sidecar files other than .XMP: Edit > Settings > 6. Miscellaneous: Additional file info 0.27.0 2013-01-07 ----------------- * New in program window menu: Tools > Find duplicate images 0.26.5 2012-10-20 ----------------- * New Setting: Edit > Preferences > Miscellaneous > Miscellaneous: Enable deleting folders * Bugfix: Export/Import of photo albums. Previous exported albums can't be imported, please export them again. * The filesystem will be watched only if set: Edit > Settings > 4. Performance: Watch file system. If not watched, added or renamed folders will not appear or deleted not disappear if the changes did occur outside JPhotoTagger. Affected are the tabs Folders and Favorites and the directory (folder) chooser. 0.26.4 2012-10-14 ----------------- * Reading of EXIF metadata can be suppressed for files with specific suffixes: Edit > Settigns > Miscellaneous > EXIF > Exclude 0.26.3 2012-10-13 ----------------- * JPhotoTagger now requires Java 7 (1.7) * Scripts using ImageMagick, accepting additional DNG files and TIFF files with the suffix ".tiff" * Error message icon in program window bottom can be disabled for specific messages: Edit > Settings > Miscellaneous > Logging > Exclude 0.26.2 2012-10-04 ----------------- * Bugfix: When moving image files, their XMP sidecar files will be moved too again 0.26.1 2012-09-12 ----------------- * Programs for opening images recognizing Mac OS X applicatins (Suffix ".app") * Bugfix: Excluding a root folder within the folders tab is possible 0.26.0 2012-07-05 ----------------- * Tab EXIF displays two new values: * "Date and time saved", Tag 36868 (9004.H) = DateTimeDigitized. Excerpt from the EXIF 2.2 standard: "The date and time when the image was stored as digital data." * "File change time", Tag 306 = DateTime. Excerpt from the EXIF 2.2 standard: "The date and time of image creation. In this standard it is the date and time the file was changed." * If DateTimeOriginal can't be found within the EXIF metadata, JPhotoTagger first looks for DateTimeDigitized, then for DateTime and uses them as date time taken * Added Option: Edit > Settings > Performance: Watch file system 0.25.0 2012-06-10 ----------------- * If the EXIF metadata of an image containing the GPS longitude and latitude, the tab "EXIF" displays a button "OpenStreetMap". It displays the location in a web browser on an OpenStreetMap map. * GPS latitude and longitude of the EXIF metadata will be stored into the database for future usage. If anybody wants to read that information from Exif objects through the API, previously the EXIF metadata should be updated once (File > Database > Update > Re-read EXIF...). 0.24.13 2012-06-03 ------------------ * Invalid strings in EXIF metadata will be ignored * Automatic generated thumbnail creating scripts using ImageMagick convert recognizing "xcf" files (GIMP) * If a thumbnail creating program/script will be killed due timeout, JPhotoTagger updates the corresponding progress bar 0.24.12 2012-05-31 ------------------ * Bugfix: Under Windows programs creating thumbnails could be blocked if they printed long error messages 0.24.11 2012-05-29 ------------------ * New Command line parameter: "-cplaf" (_C_ross _P_latform _L_ook _A_nd _F_eel): Starts JPhotoTagger in Java Look And Feel instead of a Look And Feel similar to the operating system's Look and Feel. See also: (German language) 0.24.10 2012-05-01 ------------------ * Bugfix: No error message when opening or saving an "Advanced Search" if "Keyword combinations" are used together with "Simple SQL" * Brackets in "Simple SQL" of "Advanced Search" are better visible * Settings: Regular expressions for files to exclude will be validated before adding them * Context menu thumbnails, rotating thumbnails: Renamed "Rotate 270° clockwise" into "Rotate 90° counter clockwise", 180° without direction 0.24.9 2012-04-10 ----------------- * Export and Import dialog of JPhotoTagger data: Length of displayed folder limited 0.24.8 2012-04-09 ----------------- * The image file size will be stored into the database * Size of windows such as dialogs should not be go below a minimum, so that e.g. all buttons will be displayed 0.24.7 2012-03-22 ----------------- * Bugfix: Edit > Search (F3) > Simple SQL: Eliminated multiple Joins from the File to the XMP table (Performance) * Bugfix: Edit > Search (F3) > Simple SQL: Lens field accepts input * Double click on search within the search register opens the advanced search dialog with that search 0.24.6 2012-03-13 ----------------- * Edit register: Distances between input fields don't grow if the program window gets larger * Automatic word collection can be cleared via clear button * Word collections can be edited even if no image is selected 0.24.5 2012-03-12 ----------------- * Folder and Favorites registers updating themselve if a folder was created, renamed or deleted outside of JPhotoTagger * Edit > Settings > Thumbnails: Button "Choose" contains dcraw, if JPhotoTagger has dcraw for the specific system (within installation folder: "lib\dcraw\\dcraw.exe") * Added: Edit > Settings > Miscellaneous > Miscellaneous: Detailedness of the log file with all messages. Standard now is INFO. 0.24.4 2012-03-11 ----------------- * Every task has it's own progress bar. Until now, all tasks shared the progress bar bottom right in the program window. If more than one task is running at the same time, the additional progress bars can be shown. Every cancelable task has a cancel button near it's progress bar. * Modified some interna 0.24.3 2012-03-08 ----------------- * Within the edit register the keywords list will be resized vertically if necessary and doesn't have scroll bars anymore * Added dcraw for 64 Bit Windows 0.24.2 2012-03-05 ----------------- * Within the edit register the text input fields will be resized vertically if necessary. To achieve that, now their width is fixed. You can change the default width through "Edit > Settings > Miscellaneous > Miscellaneous: Width of the text input fields". 0.24.1 2012-03-04 ----------------- * JPhotoTagger doesn't offer any longer selecting between the Java Image IO and Imagero in the thumbnail settings (Edit > Settings > Thumbnails). Instead it tries to select automatically the appropriate method. Extraction of embedded thumbnails has been dropped. * If an already existing keyword shall be added within the edit register, no error message pops up. Instead it will not be added twice. * Keywords overlaying images will be displayed in alphabetical order (View > Overlay Metadata) 0.24.0 2012-03-03 ----------------- * For some operating systems the RAW converter DCRaw will be installed along with JPhotoTagger, so that under good circumstances JPhotoTagger creates thumbnails from RAW files without the need of defining external scripts/programs. If this automatic does not work, a DCRaw executable can be set manually through Edit > Settings > Thumbnails > Further Settings > DCRaw Currently automatically supported: Windows 32 Bit and Linux 32 Bit 0.23.1 2012-03-01 ----------------- * JPhotoTagger downloads current versions in future from another server via redirection. Older versions aren't able to load updates automatically (they are not able to follow URL redirections). If you have an older version than 0.23.1 please download the current version from 0.23.0 2012-02-28 ----------------- * While copying, moving, renaming and deleting files, other files with arbitrary suffixes can also be copied, moved, renamed and deleted automatically: Edit > Settings > Miscellaneous > File Hooks > JPhotoTagger Actions 0.22.0 2012-02-26 ----------------- * New Menu item: File Rename Templates Allows adding/editing/removing File Rename templates without the file rename dialog * Dialog for importing images: File Rename Templates can be added and edited * Dialog for importing images: Metadata Templates can be added within the input dialog for Metadata Templates 0.21.1 2012-02-23 ----------------- * Importing images (File > Import Images): If the source and/or target folder doesn't exist, error icons will be displayed. Also the progress bar shouldn't be "freeze" while importing. 0.21.0 2012-02-22 ----------------- * Added to Export/Import of JPhotoTagger data (File > Export > JPhotoTagger Data, File > Import > JPhotoTagger Data): * User Defined File Types * Word Collections 0.20.1 2012-02-21 ----------------- * Bugfix Misc Metadata register: If after deleting images some metadata no longer exists, e.g. an ISO value, it will be removed immediately from the register 0.20.0 2012-02-20 ----------------- * Importing images: Metadata can applied before import * Importing images: User templates for renaming files (F2 whithin thumbnails window while one or more images selected, register "Use Template") can be choosen for renaming imported files * Bugfix: Renaming/Moving of image files was even buggy (hopefully now it is) 0.19.1 2012-02-19 ----------------- * Bugfix: Renaming files created orphaned database entries and thumbnails * Importing images: Sorting to EXIF date taken before renaming 0.19.0 2012-02-19 ----------------- * New: Edit > Settings > Open Images: Button "Default Programs". Associates file types to different programs. So on double click a raw converter can be started for a raw file and an image editor for a RGB file * New: Edit > Settings > Miscellaneous: Use long XMP sidecar file names, e.g. "image.nef.xmp" instead of "image.xmp" * Importing images (File > Import Images): Introduced a filename rename strategy, currently imported images can be automatically renamed into YYYY-MM-DD-. Modified the design of the import dialog. 0.18.0 2012-02-16 ----------------- * Importing images (File > Import Images): Introduced a subfolder creation strategy, currently year/month/day subfolders of date taken can be created automatically